Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Charitable Tourney

On Sunday, RKYHS seniors organized, planned, and ran a 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament to raise money for Yachad, an agency of the Orthodox Union that is dedicated to enhancing the lives of those with disabilities. Nearly 200 atheletes registered for the tournament, and hundreds came to support the charity. The event raised more than $6,000 for Yachad! Yasher Koach seniors!

RKYHS students also will be participating in a Shabbaton on Friday with members of Senior Yachad (ages 16-25).

This is all part of February as Yachad/NJCD's North American Inclusion Month (NAIM), a timeframe specifically designated "to raise awareness and to develop sensitivity of what it means for those who live with disabilities, and how to include them within the greater Jewish community."