Thursday, February 24, 2011

An Evening of Talmud

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Our ninth and tenth grade Honors Talmud students enjoyed an evening of learning Wednesday with their parents led by their rebbe, Sgan Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi David Chamudot. There was learning, bonding, and, of course, food from Chickies -- because without food, there is no Torah, and without Torah, no food (a slight nod to Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah, Pirkei Avot 3:17).

The evening ended with a shiur by Rabbi Chamudot, and the shiur dealt with the aggadic texts of Rabbi Yossi praying in the ruins of Jerusalem and his exchange with Eliyahu HaNavi, as well as Rabbi Meir's exchange with his wife, Bruriah.

We're happy to have our parents and teachers so involved with student learning outside the classroom!